WHERE THE MOON LIES DOWN is American journalist Samia's encounter with the city where she was conceived: Damascus, where her father was a diplomat. Here she meets two men, becomes involved with one and falls in love with the other, and only late in life does she realize her role in the triangle's destiny. But the real protagonist is Damascus, where I lived with my three sons and their tutor to write the novel.

"As a novelist, Iselin C. Hermann knows how to put together a fiction so that it is not only to be read with the cranial box, but can also be inhaled through the skin ... her secret lies in the art of limitation" (Berlingske Tidende)

"... a surprising plot and it has its resonance in desire. Two of the most important criteria for success... (Jyllands Posten)

"Iselin C. Hermann has produced yet another piece of craftsmanship" (Politiken)